Meet Mary,

Throughout her lifetime and career as a performing artist, conscious conversations between body and breath supported her sense of autonomy over her own healing and growth and restoration process. Her journey with psychoanalysis began with Jung in 2012 . Mary’s passion for psychoanalysis and how this translates somatically through bioenergetics and language was ignited and galvanised during her Bachelors at Rose Bruford. Here, Mary fully opened in her devotion to undressing social norms and habits to get to the core of the human beneath the conditioning through compassionate practice. 

Mary graduated with first class honours 2015, displaying a considerable range of academic, acting and musical skills on our London campus and in the semester she spent at Columbia College, Chicago. One of the most talented performers we have produced, a fierce and passionate actor-musician. An astute listener, respecting other’s ideas, but also a proactive and intuitive thinker and organiser. Combining an intense emotional intelligence with a thrilling sense of the theatrical, Mary has a profound understanding of production processes. I am delighted she is channelling her creativity into projects in her native Belfast.

- Steve Dykes, ATA Programme Director, Rose Bruford 2020

With award winning theatre companies, over the next 5 years she toured UK and several capital cities throughout Europe. Through lockdown Mary flourished with WQTN radio station, a collaborative network of friends and changemakers extending out from Chicago reaching globally delivering liberation arts and community growth mechanisms with round the clock weaving of group practices and dialogue engagement. In 2021 she became part of a global sisterhood called the Trailblazery with roots deep in collective psychology, sacred sexuality, art and alchemy. Mentored by Kathy Scott she began the process of unveiling her medicine, connecting to a powerful tribes in Ireland doing sacred work. After a series of urgent calls to action she said YES and embarked on her journey with Alchemy of Breath to serve specialist breathwork containers. The goal - to create spaces and share tools for personal growth and exploration. Supporting individuals in uncovering their true selves safely, be it in acting, performance or personal development. The theme - diverse containers that undress social conditioning and encourage rich, colourful and empowered way of moving, living and being in the world.

There is a gap in the market between what people are being sold and what tools they have to navigate and integrate effectively. Mary works to bridge that gap.

At the core of her ethics and ethos is the understanding that we heal in packs, in community and in connection. Mary finds great light in creating safe containers that nourish the authentic unfurling of just that. Her Samhain Container 2023 - ‘In Loving Shadow’ featured remarkable academics, poets, bodywork specialists, musicians, activists and storytellers to muse with as well as exgavative inquiries and practices to work with . In collaboration with alternate healers and artists, Mary rings a bell for you to show up at the ‘school of intuition’ within and own your shit. 

Breathwork with Mary has been such a powerful experience. She serves with professionalism, creativity and unique elements that will make your experience unforgettable. She is super sensitive, attentive and focused on your personal deep healing, whether you will experience her guidance in groups or in an individual session

- Luna

When we study unconscious bias and the dopplegänger effect it brings me to reference plants and poisons. In the wild we find our favourite medicines, growing abundantly beside them identical by so many descriptions is their poisonous doppelgänger, the difference, deadly. For this reason discernment is encouraged and support with discernment is offered at key moments throughout navigating alchemy containers.

It is clear embodied boundaries, transparent intentions and the discipline of gauging these nuances that encourage co-creative ethics that liberate individuals to practise an autonomous way of being where they can recognise their transience deeply in relationship to environment, understanding when to push and pull,  to give and when to receive, when to call and when to respond and so on, all based on their own sense of safety, desire and service or intention. Professional containers anchored in ritual and intention become a safe practice park to experiment with our relationship to life itself, inspiring new ways of thinking and being, that feel more true and authentic to how one desires to spend their time here on the planet.

Mary understands the power of being witnessed in your authenticity wherever you are in your process without judgement and the power of this being done 1-1 and in community. She is also a human who has experienced hardship and challenges of her own and works to ensure that just because she has expertise in certain areas doesn’t mean she consents to being pedestal-led by clients or peers in any shape or form or consents to serve at capacity outside of the context of these containers.

Ultimately Mary is a performing artist and maker with an uncompromisable desire to investigate and articulate the realities of what it means to be a human being in a body at this time. She works to share work that supports others in their own conscious actualisation and is unwilling to ignore our the value of our inherent psychedelic nature and our capacity to see, heal, manifest and dream.

Mary stands in objection to compliance with Genocide and calls to galvanise and support your capacity for change, responsive action and acts of Solidarity including involvement in the BDS movement.

Navigate Alchemy

Grá mor


“If you bring forth that which is within you, then that which is within you will be your salvation. If you do not bring forth that which is within you, then that which is within you will destroy you”

- Peter A. Levine, Healing Trauma

that was honestly one of the best and powerful ceremonies I’ve sat in. I got such a powerful release and I definitely connected more to the rose. I felt so safe, so held and was able to let myself go and be vulnerable. Your words, your body language, your Spirit - just exactly where I was meant to be yesterday and what I needed


Mary and Sonia after a Navigating Alchemy Breathwork Ceremony at Hidden Hearth Festival , Lisnavagh House 2023

Mary and Sonia after a Navigating Alchemy Breathwork Ceremony  at Hidden Hearth Festival , Lisnavagh House 2023

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